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Capabilities Statement

Developers, contractors, architects, creative home owners in the midst of renovations, here's a summary of our capabilities!

Vermont Awards Owner Emeritus, Steve Swett, Dies at 82

After years living with Alzheimer's disease, Steve Swett died December 22, 2024

Customer Service


We'll be opening in our new location on September 3rd, 2024: 650 Industrial Park Rd, St Albans City, VT 05478


Owner Jessie Swétel's 2023 Message

Big changes have happened at VAE in 2023. Here is Jessie sharing her perspective.

Custom Engraving

Engraving Glass - Laser vs. Sand Carving

What is the difference between lasered and sand carved glass? And why is the cost so different? Here are some thoughts on those questions.

Happy 10th Anniversary, Usha!

Our wonderful chocolate lab, Usha, has been delighting our customers for ten years now.

Custom Engraving

New Deane C. Davis Award

Awarded annually to the company that best demonstrates ethical business practices, environmental stewardship, and employee satisfaction.


Big Changes!

A retirement and and the prodigal returns!


Art Glass - when the focus is on the Award Itself

Some people would prefer the focus to be on the award itself, and the current selection of art glass means others will be drawn to look closely, and so will see the awardees name, which is the point of recognition. Prices range widely to accommodate most budgets.


25+ Years - and It's Still Fun!

Margi Swett has owned Vermont Awards & Engraving, Inc. for more than 25 years