We make a lot of high profile awards in Vermont and I attend many of the events. Lt. Governor Phil Scott is often a presenter of the awards and when I first introduced myself he asked about the company and I said he should do a site visit.
Phil replied that he prefers his “Everyday Jobs” program where he comes an actually works for the company for a day. I thought that was very cool but was about to buy our first laser engraver and he suggested I get in touch with his office after the purchase.
Time went by and another awards ceremony came up and we spoke but we were just about to buy a sand blasting cabinet to do high-end glass. Smiling Phil said, “Margi, you’re just going to have to drawn a line in the sand and ask me.”
Last fall, Rachel Feldman, the Lt. Governor’s Chief of Staff won a Vermont Business Magazine’s Rising Star award. We make the awards and I attend the ceremony. In talking to Rachel and Phil I said I thought the time was right and Rachel sent me some dates to choose from.
On February 24th Phil came and was it ever fun! Anyone familiar with Phil Scott knows he is a winning race car driver and we just happened to have the big Thunder Road milk jug in for engraving. The Lt. Gov’s name is on it twice and he was pretty tempted to change history or at least the future as he helped to engrave last year’s winner on it.
He also made some cane plates for Middlebury College canes, built a trophy and did some laser engraving – Jessie even showed him the sand blaster in operation. What a great time we all had.
And at the next award ceremony he even offered to take the blame if any mistakes were discovered!