Oxford Pewter Trophy Cup with Lid on Base

Pewter engraves beautifully and does not tarnish! Traditionally loving cups were two-handled metal cups used at weddings, banquets and other events. The loving cup was shared by the event attendees for the purposes of ceremonial drinking.

In more modern times, the loving cup has been adopted for use as a trophy for winners of games and other competition events. On a base a Loving Cup makes for a classic perpetual trophy. ** we really prefer a single plate to the individual ones shown here - it takes less work to place and there is more room for winner names.**

We engrave these using a diamond cutter and complex fill patterns to cut into the metal. This makes for logos that pop and text with depth that sparkles and catches the light. 

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Email info@vermontawards.com with this item's SKU # and your order inquiry for a quote.

* Prices are subject to change, please check with us.

Variant Name
Part No.
Large Loving Cup
Dimensions: 5.75" x 10" x 13.5"
Material: Pewter
Engraving: Special ($.95/character)
Walnut Base for Large Loving Cup
Sku: WB-BR-46
Dimensions: 8" x 4.625" x 8"
Material: wood
Engraving: Standard ($.65/character)
Medium Loving Cup
Dimensions: 11.5" x 9.5" x 5"
Material: pewter
Engraving: Special ($.95/character)
Walnut Base for Medium Loving Cup
Sku: WB-BR-44
Dimensions: 6" x 4.125" x 6"
Material: wood
Engraving: Standard ($.65/character)
Small Loving Cup - 16 oz.
Dimensions: 9.5" x 8" x 4.5"
Material: Pewter
Engraving: Special ($.95/character)
Walnut Base for Small Loving Cup
Sku: WB-BR40
Dimensions: 5.5" x 2.5" x 5.5"
Material: Wood
Engraving: Standard ($.65/character)