Full Color Cherry Finish Plaque with Gold Plate *

Inclusive pricing on this very nice plaque lets you go wild with color and text it up - no extra charge! Available in four sized and a gold or silver plate (photos are embedded into white metal to maintain true color, which is an additional fee)

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Email info@vermontawards.com with this item's SKU # and your order inquiry for a quote.

* Prices are subject to change, please check with us.

Variant Name
Part No.
7 x 9 Cherry Finish Plaque
Sku: Cher7x9SubG
Dimensions: 7" x 9" x .75"
Material: wood
Engraving: Inclusive
8" x 10" Cherry Finish Plaque
Sku: Cher8x10SubG
Dimensions: 8" x 10" x .75"
Material: wood
Engraving: Inclusive
9" x 12" Cherry Finish Plaque
Sku: Cher8x10SubG
Dimensions: 9" x 12" x .75"
Material: wood
Engraving: Inclusive
11" x 14" Cherry Finish Plaque
Sku: Cher8x10SubG
Dimensions: 11" x 14" x .75"
Material: wood
Engraving: Inclusive