Custom Exterior Signs

It's very hard to list every possible dimension of sign we make, although we laser plastics and have a maximum size of 32" x 20." The last photo is of exterior grade plastic that is reverse engraved. This leaves the front smooth - easy to clean and hard to deface. But it requires inverting everything and paint filling the result. The cost is adjusted accordingly. It is BY FAR the least vandalized signage available.

We suggest you contact us via email. Many colors are available and materials as well. Materials are by the square inch and engraving is by the character. Some plastics look like metal, others can be engraved from behind and paint-filled giving them a smooth front that is very tamper proof. There's even a very cool non toxic plastic that glows in the dark. The photo, size and p[ricing are for your reference Talk to us!

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* Prices are subject to change, please check with us.

Variant Name
Part No.
Custom Sign
$By Quote
Sku: signC1
Material: plastic
Engraving: Standard ($.65/character)
Custom Sign
$By Quote
Engraving: Standard ($.65/character)
Color Charts 1
$By Quote
Engraving: Standard ($.65/character)
Color Charts continued
$By Quote
Engraving: Standard ($.65/character)