Blue Anemone Art Glass 4 Sizes

Blue Anemone Art Glass comes in 4 sizes and is rather spectacular, especially for someone who prefers an award that doesn't have their name emblazoned on it. We sand-carve these one the front of the base and that etch is a frosty white, we can also paint fill for an extra $15 per color. Comes in a very nice presentation box.

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Variant Name
Part No.
Extra Large Award
Sku: ARG4014C
Dimensions: 11"
Material: Crystal
Engraving: Special ($.95/character)
Large Award
Sku: ARG4014C
Dimensions: 9.5"
Material: Crystal
Engraving: Special ($.95/character)
Medium Award
Sku: ARG4013C
Dimensions: 8"
Material: Crystal
Engraving: Special ($.95/character)
Small Award
Sku: ARG4012C
Dimensions: 6.5"
Material: Crystal
Engraving: Special ($.95/character)